Happening Foundation

Much like great storytelling, creating a significant Happening starts with a solid foundation. Sparked by a wide array of causes. All following three key steps: beginning, middle and end. In many ways, an event is a live life story unfolding.


Events vs Happenings

The definition of an event usually is defined as a happening of importance. When I think of events, things like birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and graduation award ceremonies with medium to large attendance come to mind. As events became my life’s work, I found a much greater appreciation for their inherent ability to unite and reside in the infinite possibility of the present moment. These abilities are in our core being and when the opportunity presents


Less is More

A good friend of mine recently shared a story with me about how a person was writing a letter and at the end said “I apologize that the letter is so long I just didn’t have time”. How ironic but true. Our ideas and thoughts are so often brought to life in a flurry of energy that present us with countless options and opportunities on how to proceed. Only through iteration and a lot of


Better We than Me

Everyone knows the phrase “stuck in your own head”. There’s so much truth to that statement. The greatest and most exciting life altering conversations I have ever experienced have always been in the company of somebody else. Conversely some of the most damaging and uninspiring ones have taken place with my good old buddies between my ears with me, myself and I.


Happiness through Togetherness

I’ve had the good fortune recently to be connected with some truly inspiring people. One of them is Luis Gallardo the founder of the World Happiness Summit also known as WaHaSu.


The New Standard

I had a very interesting conversation the other night with my family at the dining table. My parents are in town to visit and we began talking about traditions as they pertain to dining and culture. There has been a long-standing debate between my wife and I as to which is the more desirable way to serve dinner: family style, buffet or plated.


Happening Feng Shui

Energy plays such a significant role in a happening. Feng Shui is a Chinese belief that aligns material elements with natural elements in order to create balance and harmony. I have a process that was inspired through Feng Shui that I apply to all of my happening Designs. Below are the three key elements:


Come One Call All

Such a common phrase but so hard to live by. Over the years I have been working tirelessly to create a more efficient and effective process for consumers to be able to take advantage of the great talents and resources available in an organized and informative way. Conversely, this process would allow for talents and resources to focus on delivering the task at hand rather than procuring customers and managing those relationships. At the onset


Thank You, Dad

This past week I had the difficult task of wishing my father bon voyage from our journey here together on this heaven on earth. I know it sounds cliché but I am so grateful for the time we had together. By the time I came into the picture my father’s career as a renowned Interior Designer was well on its way. From as far back as I can remember he had open the doors of


A Five Star New Years Eve

This past week I had the good fortune of being invited to an event every night leading up to the grand celebration of New Year’s Eve. The events are produced by Five Star and this is their fourth year producing the event in Miami and first year in Orlando. The Five Star team originated back in Brazil where they had for several years, produced a very sought after New Year’s Eve Celebration. With a successful track


100 Million Holiday Trees

As far back as I can remember one of my favorite past times during the holiday season was laying under the Christmas tree gazing up through the branches , lights and ornaments. Christmas trees have been a celebratory statement for centuries. The tradition began in Germany and is now celebrated with an estimated 100 million Christmas trees around the world. Since it’s origin was in a more northern climate the use of the Evergreen made


Share in this Holidays Presents

The holiday season is here! With a last name like Noel, it is hard not to embrace it. Good news even with all of its preconceived expectations, the abundance of materialism and commercialism, I cannot help but to succumb to what I believe is the true gift of the holidays, togetherness.


Habit or Necessity – Part 1

Do you ever feel like you are doing something just for the sake of comfort and not need? This wonderful world we live in is progressing at such a rapid rate that it is not so much what we as a people can evolve into, but rather how much of this evolution I can absorb and apply into my daily life.


Clean Energy

One of the most important topics of today is clean energy. How to create it efficiently, affordably and effectively deliver it. Myself not being a scientist nor an engineer; I too am standing in the audience waiting for the next breakthrough.


Habit or Necessity – Part 2

With my car now parked, at my office garage, I usually take five minutes for meditation and prayer utilizing the Insight Timing app. I am now able to have those zen moments from almost any place and at any time. Upon entering the office, I engage in some pleasantries with my coworkers before I get to the job at hand. This may entail interruption via a pat on the shoulder or a look around the


Happy Halloween!!

It took a while to get here but without a doubt fall is in the air! With its welcomed cool breeze and beautiful autumnal colors, I look forward with anticipation of this year’s holiday season beginning with one of my favorites, Halloween!



One of the things I enjoy most in the turning dreams into reality business of event design is the collaboration process. Entertaining is a very intimate process if handled properly. As mentioned in my previous blog , coming up with a singular theme and carrying it across all aspects of an event , is such an important element. One of the best ways I have found to accomplish this that once you have identified the Keystone element all the other Stones


Go Long on One

A great way to get people present and build a lifetime memory is to take one common thing and focus on it; then weave that into your happening from beginning to end. Whether it is a sight, sound, texture, or a taste – infuse this one special element throughout. Let’s use for example a sunset. This is an occurrence that happens every day in everyone’s life, but by you sharing your appreciation of it and


Invitations the first impression

In a world that is going a million miles a minute – first impressions play such a significant role in setting the tone for your Happening. One of the best secrets in capturing an amazing invitation is to pull it from your overall Happening conceptual design. It often goes against peoples initial reaction to create invitation and get it out first or at least a save the date. I am all for being proactive in


That’s Entertainment

The difference between an audience style entertainment and event entertainment is quite significant. However ironically we tend to choose entertainment for our events based upon the audience style performances.


The Beauty Is In The Mix!

Perfectionism is something I dealt with my whole life. I remember a lesson I learned that helped me a great deal with perfectionism and design. I was working for the late great Robert Isabel on a production for a major New York socialite wedding, taking place on their property in the Hamptons. The wedding was a tented affair and the theme was a Garden Picnic. The goal was to make what was a rather large


Live Your Dream!

The onset of new love brings a flurry of a spectacular series of significant moments that resonate to the core of our being. In the case of your true love, the experience incomparable and indescribable to any other! It is truly a magical gift! The quest for true love is almost universal and the belief for those searching is very real. It is the essence of this belief that I am so enamored with. Finding ones true love is


Love in Fall

With the fall season just around the corner. I eagerly anticipate the change. Growing up in the Midwest seasons offered for dramatic changes to both environment and lifestyle. For the environment, I have always enjoyed the onset of the cool weather and a welcomed change of attire. The fall foliage has to be one of nature’s most spectacular shows of color.The vibrant gold and ambers to the rich burgundies and aubergines – all enveloped in natures abundant shades of green! I


White Light Experience

Eight years ago, I had what I relate to as the white light experience during which past, present, and future all became crystal-clear. My vision for the destiny of the special events industry, and what steps needed to be taken for me to embrace it were invited into my conscious. Ever since then I have put a plan into motion from that day forth. Now many years, countless hours, and millions of dollars later with a tremendous team


The Power of the Linen

One of the easiest ways to create an effect when entertaining is to introduce color to your linen selection. Whether it’s a gathering of 2 or 2,000,a family dining room or a grand ballroom, linens play a significant role. A simple change of bringing in color through the table linen can change the whole feel of the room. This effect can be even more enhanced, when adding candles or lights to the table, drawing even greater


Pick by Potential

Have you ever gone out looking at a home, and fell in love with a particular feature? Like a view? Now with that view set in our minds, we judge all other options against it. Did we consider that it was important due to the particular time of day that we walked in to the house? And that there was nothing else in the house but windows? Therefore all you really had to look at


Wedding or Elopement?

I don’t think there is an individual who’s gone through the process of planning their wedding who hasn’t contemplated the question “should we have a local wedding with friends and family or should we elope?”


The future is so bright!

I envision in the near future, the ability for an individual to contemplate the idea of a happening by simply reaching out online. To find an informative, resourceful and reliable provider, that will allow you to create complete happenings of any type, of any size, in any location with any budget. The customers will have the choice to determine to fund their happening on their own, or with the help of a greater audience. Once


Picking Space

I like to think of Happening spaces in three primary categories. First a raw space, second an event space, and third a multi-service venue. All of these can be indoors or outdoors, and in many cases a combination of both.


The power of we!

As far back as I can remember I’ve always been challenged by my shyness, the security of grabbing onto my mom or dad’s leg when meeting someone new. Through my teens my shyness tendency often would overwhelm me. Things like the first day of school, or attending the dance were often dreaded as much as anticipated. The concept of burying my head in the sand, or the desire to just be a wallflower, frequently loomed in the forefront and was ever


Old Dog New Tricks

I’m not sure by who or when the phrase was coined, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I am here to tell you that with the changes we as a people have made to embrace ease and convenience provided by technology, I think it would be fair to say that this statement does not apply across the board.



What does it really cost all in? These days, planning anything can be so challenging when it comes to managing a budget. I find this experience to be even more overwhelming in my beloved events industry. When I first started, I learned very early on that when planning events everything is subject to change, and one of the biggest items was the bottom line. For the most part our industry is set to send out


Right Sized

Too short, too tall, too big, too small. The struggle to be right sized has been a lifelong endeavor. How do I measure up? This seemed to fluctuate as often as the wind. Ironically, the exception to the rule in most cases was being content and feeling right sized. Years ago, I was given the advice that I am perfect in my creators eyes. Although this did not set in instantly, overtime I have come


Life’s a Gift!

Along the way I was taught the phrase today is a gift… That’s why it’s called the present…This has been such a valuable thought process for me to embrace; I have tried to incorporate it in all aspects of my life. I do have everything I need at this moment, the simple fact of being able to contemplate this thought, right here right now, is validation I am alive and conscious and that life is a gift.



I am so saddened by the news of the occurrence early Sunday morning at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The situation that took place is overwhelming and incomprehensible to me. My thoughts and prayers go to the family and friends, as well as all others affected by this horrific act.


Paint with light

With summer upon us it brings longer days. One of the many benefits of this, is entertaining in the evening and sharing in the transformation from day to night. A sunset is something I do not think I will ever tire of. I only wish, I could remind myself more often when it’s happening to stop and witness it. There is something so blissful and humbling, about watching that beautiful ball of light fall seemingly


Morning Wedding

I love the fact that we are breaking down the barriers around the traditional wedding format. It makes sense as we as a people evolve, and grow, just in sheer numbers. We need to look at alternative ways to create and punctuate this life-altering happening. Ironically, one of the ways to break up the traditional Saturday evening ceremony and reception is to follow a format that has been around for centuries.



I knew at the moment I had completed my first event that this was the beginning of my life’s work. The process of helping to create these impactful, shared moments has become my passion. There is an intangible energy that is created when people gather together and share in a common focus, these special moments can never be replicated and can only be relished in the present.



I can’t believe it! Time is going by so quickly here. We are already at Memorial Day weekend and I am still getting used to writing 2016. This marks the official kickoff of summer! Whether it’s beaches, mountains or just simply your back yard, I encourage everybody to get out into nature and enjoy with family and friends.


Create and Attend

So after what seems to be an eternity of tossing and turning, I finally succumb, my pillow has it in for me, and that perfect angle of alignment to provide some blissful sleep will not be granted. I shuffle my weary bones into the bathroom and in my sleep deprived state, I mistakenly turn on the lower faucet which turns on the handheld sprayer in the shower and cold water releases itself upon me. Every muscle


Better than we found it!

When I first came into the industry we would spend days weeks, even months preparing and building for an event, making sure the environment would set the stage. Ironically, at the conclusion of our event our teams would come in and dismantle, pack up, and load the majority of of the items so meticulously prepared just hours before. With tractor-trailers filled with items no longer needed, we would send it off to the local dump,


Is it worth it?

In today’s world so many of us can have almost anything, at anytime, accessible to us at the press of a button. I hear people talking about significant moments coming up, and their dread in putting everything together. I’ve heard them saying it’s just not worth all of that work to me. This is one of those moments when I use penance of tongue. And I’m sure, as many of you are reading this, you’re saying, wait a second I


To Love As you Are

I love myself as I am with all of the benefits and shortcomings, always remembering I am right sized in my creator’s eyes. I struggle with this concept often, it so much easier said than done. Ironically there is no required action other than acceptance. In my goal oriented world whether mental, physical or spiritual I always seem to be in pursuit of improvement. Improvement is growth, and it is vital to my evolution. However


How to make a dinner reception for 200 feel as intimate as one set for 8

Thinking back on the days as a child playing on the playground during recess. I remember looking forward to that bell ringing and those doors opening so I could go out and hang out with my buddies. I am quite sure most of my classmates thought the same, although they were looking forward to hanging out with their own group of friends. More often than not, the idea of playing a game of kickball would


We Called it the Buttercream Slide

I love what I do this work is a lot of fun and sometimes very funny! I remember it was a perfect beautiful day and we were producing a wedding that was well underway. The lovely ceremony was completed and all of the 350 guests were enjoying cocktails and entertainment in the garden room adjacent to the ballroom. There were probably 40 or 50 of us in the ballroom, some lighting candles other’s lining up plate-settings.


It’s All in the Details!

Years ago, I was a young man who moved out to New York with a duffel bag and dreams of building a better life. My apprenticeship had just started with the late great Robert Isabell. Like it was yesterday, I remember we had a meeting at one of the top hotels in New York City and I was asked to join. Robert was a man of few words, and to be included in any public


Think of your wedding as a play

The easiest way for me to describe creating and producing a spectacular wedding is to compare it to a play. For the couple to be married they hold the part of the lead roles. The members of the wedding party are the supporting actor’s. The guests are the cast. The event designer/planner or event manager is your director. Location manager assistant director. Who ever is paying the bill producer.


Why hire a wedding planner?

There’s always a planner. I hear it all the time, do I really need a planner? The answer is unequivocally, Yes! bThis answer is as black-and-white to me as would I choose to operate on myself?I think where it gets confusing, especially with the to be wed is they think, l commonly plan my own parties and many with great results so why do I need a Planner?


Traditional versus Modern Wedding

The bond of marriage is created on a foundation of tradition, that has evolved through modern inspiration. When thinking about the topic of modern versus traditional. I can’t help but remember the phrase something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. All suggestions I do believe have value, but for now let’s focus on the something old and something new.  Have you ever look back at pictures of weddings from maybe your grandparents? your parents? or older


It’s About Time.

As the proud son of a gay father, I grew up hearing all of the stereotypes as well as understanding all the shame and repression gay individuals felt from a society that did not accept them as they truly are.   I never understood, what was the big deal? The love I felt from my father was genuine, and the contribution he made to my life is beyond significant. How could sexual orientation affect the


How to have a gorgeous wedding on a budget

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   It’s too bad that such a great sum of money, $10,000, is considered a challenging sum to pull off a beautiful wedding. In reality the beautiful wedding is not dictated by the budget but rather by creatively planning within your means. Here are three key points that will allow you to exceed expectations within your budgetary parameters


How to Create an Out-of-the-Box Wedding

Long gone are the days that weddings are confined to country clubs, hotel ballrooms and banquet halls. I will always remain committed to the classic wedding, however I must admit I love the creativity and expressionism that is being introduced more and more in today’s weddings.


How to plan the perfect outdoor spring wedding

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   Whose senses do not connect with the sights, sounds and smells of a spring wedding? The beautiful scent of flowers blossoming, the glint of the sun reflecting on vibrant new spring leaves as a soft breeze blows! To me this is what lifetime memories are made of! So now comes the challenge! We can all agree that the perfect Spring day is the ultimate outdoor environment to set the stage for your nuptials.


Engagement! What’s next?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   Putting a plan in place Congratulations! This is a very exciting time and one that is a joy and an honor to share with family and friends. My recommendation is prior to sharing the news, talk with your partner regarding the weddings’ vision. Whether it is recapping what has already been discussed or brainstorming on what it could be. I assure you it will prove to be tremendously beneficial and exciting!


Ballroom Wedding Planning

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When planning a wedding reception in a ballroom there are two key factors that if not properly manage can lead to unsatisfactory results.


Location, location, location!

It is one of the key initial decisions to make and often the hardest to correct after-the-fact. Finding that perfect location that you can identify with and that fits your design esthetics, size, date and budget parameters are one of the most important decisions to make when planning a wedding. I often find it is impossible to aquire something that fits all the criteria, however if you do find this perfect location it is a


The Presents have Arrived

When I started my journey in the event industry, my very first event was a wedding. I was enamored and enthused through the privilege of participating in helping others and creating a wedding. My passion came in the creative state of working to shape and form something extraordinary. The moment announcing the union of two people, has given me the drive to exceed expectations.


Valentine’s Day

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”1088″ img_size=”full” alignment=”right”][vc_column_text] There are a variety of ideas on what the origin of Valentine’s Day is. Ultimately, to me, the day has evolved to the celebration of love. There are many definitions for love. The one that resonates with me the most is “an unselfish, loyal, and benevolent concern for the good of another.”  


Secrets to a Successful Wedding

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”1073″ img_size=”full” alignment=”right”][vc_column_text] In this day and age, where we are catered and tended to on all aspects of our lives, it is easy to get lost in ourselves. You know the feeling we all get, from a one-sided conservation. When creating your wedding, focusing on the day for yourself rather than for your friends and family, will produce the similar results of a one-sided conversation.  One of the most important and keen secrets


Spring is in the Air!

With the holidays now past and welcoming in the New Year, planning season is upon us! Each season brings individual characteristics to form the backdrop for your perfect and ideal happening. Spring is just around the corner and with it, brings a new life.


Blessing During the Holidays

The holidays are a GREAT time to ask for a parent or loved one’s blessing. It’s the time to give from the heart and to recognize what we are grateful for. As we celebrate each other, we all recognize the true meaning of family. What better way to unite, by popping the question to your significant other! Having a bit trouble on how or when is the right moment?


The Perfect Thanksgiving Dinner Decor

Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays. The word alone “Thanksgiving” is all about giving thanks and being grateful for all of the bounty in our lives. The feast is representative of this but the people we get to share it with is where all the real joy comes from. But how do you plan and decorate for that perfect feast?


Trick or Treat? Themed, or Traditional?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”802″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text] Tom celebrates Halloween every year. Goblins, ghouls, monsters, costumes, and cocktails – what is there not to love about this festive holiday? However, Tom’s favorite part of Halloween is it’s liberating side-effect. It is the one day when you can break the “rules,” emboldening even the shyest, most modest people to bring out their personalities in a big way! And when it comes to weddings, Tom’s favorite part of planning is


Live Casting Your Wedding Online

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”1063″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text] It was the mid 90s and Tom Noel was working with Aerin Lauder on her Wedding. Her grandmother, Estee Lauder, was unable to attend this important moment which was of great concern to the entire family. Technology is not what it is today but was in rapid development, Tom and the team came up with the idea of sending a live signal direct to Estée Lauder.


Setting the Stage for the Big Day

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”799″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text] Are you getting married soon? Or have you recently been dubbed the Maid of Honor and are at once delighted and petrified? Or are you simply an undeniable wedding enthusiast who seeks updates on the latest and greatest?