Happening Foundation

Much like great storytelling, creating a significant Happening starts with a solid foundation. Sparked by a wide array of causes. All following three key steps: beginning, middle and end. In many ways, an event is a live life story unfolding.

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Events vs Happenings

The definition of an event usually is defined as a happening of importance. When I think of events, things like birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and graduation award ceremonies with medium to large attendance come to mind. As events became my life’s work, I found a much greater appreciation for their inherent ability to unite and reside in the infinite possibility of the present moment. These abilities are in our core being and when the opportunity presents

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Less is More

A good friend of mine recently shared a story with me about how a person was writing a letter and at the end said “I apologize that the letter is so long I just didn’t have time”. How ironic but true. Our ideas and thoughts are so often brought to life in a flurry of energy that present us with countless options and opportunities on how to proceed. Only through iteration and a lot of

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Better We than Me

Everyone knows the phrase “stuck in your own head”. There’s so much truth to that statement. The greatest and most exciting life altering conversations I have ever experienced have always been in the company of somebody else. Conversely some of the most damaging and uninspiring ones have taken place with my good old buddies between my ears with me, myself and I.

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Happening Feng Shui

Energy plays such a significant role in a happening. Feng Shui is a Chinese belief that aligns material elements with natural elements in order to create balance and harmony. I have a process that was inspired through Feng Shui that I apply to all of my happening Designs. Below are the three key elements:

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Habit or Necessity – Part 1

Do you ever feel like you are doing something just for the sake of comfort and not need? This wonderful world we live in is progressing at such a rapid rate that it is not so much what we as a people can evolve into, but rather how much of this evolution I can absorb and apply into my daily life.

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Clean Energy

One of the most important topics of today is clean energy. How to create it efficiently, affordably and effectively deliver it. Myself not being a scientist nor an engineer; I too am standing in the audience waiting for the next breakthrough.

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Habit or Necessity – Part 2

With my car now parked, at my office garage, I usually take five minutes for meditation and prayer utilizing the Insight Timing app. I am now able to have those zen moments from almost any place and at any time. Upon entering the office, I engage in some pleasantries with my coworkers before I get to the job at hand. This may entail interruption via a pat on the shoulder or a look around the

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One of the things I enjoy most in the turning dreams into reality business of event design is the collaboration process. Entertaining is a very intimate process if handled properly. As mentioned in my previous blog , coming up with a singular theme and carrying it across all aspects of an event , is such an important element. One of the best ways I have found to accomplish this that once you have identified the Keystone element all the other Stones

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Live Your Dream!

The onset of new love brings a flurry of a spectacular series of significant moments that resonate to the core of our being. In the case of your true love, the experience incomparable and indescribable to any other! It is truly a magical gift! The quest for true love is almost universal and the belief for those searching is very real. It is the essence of this belief that I am so enamored with. Finding ones true love is

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Love in Fall

With the fall season just around the corner. I eagerly anticipate the change. Growing up in the Midwest seasons offered for dramatic changes to both environment and lifestyle. For the environment, I have always enjoyed the onset of the cool weather and a welcomed change of attire. The fall foliage has to be one of nature’s most spectacular shows of color.The vibrant gold and ambers to the rich burgundies and aubergines – all enveloped in natures abundant shades of green! I

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White Light Experience

Eight years ago, I had what I relate to as the white light experience during which past, present, and future all became crystal-clear. My vision for the destiny of the special events industry, and what steps needed to be taken for me to embrace it were invited into my conscious. Ever since then I have put a plan into motion from that day forth. Now many years, countless hours, and millions of dollars later with a tremendous team

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The Power of the Linen

One of the easiest ways to create an effect when entertaining is to introduce color to your linen selection. Whether it’s a gathering of 2 or 2,000,a family dining room or a grand ballroom, linens play a significant role. A simple change of bringing in color through the table linen can change the whole feel of the room. This effect can be even more enhanced, when adding candles or lights to the table, drawing even greater

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Pick by Potential

Have you ever gone out looking at a home, and fell in love with a particular feature? Like a view? Now with that view set in our minds, we judge all other options against it. Did we consider that it was important due to the particular time of day that we walked in to the house? And that there was nothing else in the house but windows? Therefore all you really had to look at

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The future is so bright!

I envision in the near future, the ability for an individual to contemplate the idea of a happening by simply reaching out online. To find an informative, resourceful and reliable provider, that will allow you to create complete happenings of any type, of any size, in any location with any budget. The customers will have the choice to determine to fund their happening on their own, or with the help of a greater audience. Once

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The power of we!

As far back as I can remember I’ve always been challenged by my shyness, the security of grabbing onto my mom or dad’s leg when meeting someone new. Through my teens my shyness tendency often would overwhelm me. Things like the first day of school, or attending the dance were often dreaded as much as anticipated. The concept of burying my head in the sand, or the desire to just be a wallflower, frequently loomed in the forefront and was ever

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Old Dog New Tricks

I’m not sure by who or when the phrase was coined, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I am here to tell you that with the changes we as a people have made to embrace ease and convenience provided by technology, I think it would be fair to say that this statement does not apply across the board.

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What does it really cost all in? These days, planning anything can be so challenging when it comes to managing a budget. I find this experience to be even more overwhelming in my beloved events industry. When I first started, I learned very early on that when planning events everything is subject to change, and one of the biggest items was the bottom line. For the most part our industry is set to send out

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