The easiest way for me to describe creating and producing a spectacular wedding is to compare it to a play. For the couple to be married they hold the part of the lead roles. The members of the wedding party are the supporting actor’s. The guests are the cast. The event designer/planner or event manager is your director. Location manager assistant director. Who ever is paying the bill producer.
Then the various services like photographers, florists, caterer etc. those all go into the production crew. With the whole cast and crew in place we now set out to build a set and execute a performance that will make a memory of a lifetime.
There are some key differences: A play has months and months of rehearsal. Weddings typically have one brief rehearsal and then it’s showtime. A play runs for months, if not years. A wedding is a one time occasion. Once we get beyond that, now we can jump into the fun part. Similar to a play, there is a beginning, a middle, and an end and even a few intermissions.
The wedding! This is comprised of a ceremony, cocktail gathering and a brunch, lunch or dinner with optional dance reception. The intermissions take place between the ceremony, cocktails and reception. For the extrovert, this is something that seems highly appealing, and for the introvert something that is slightly terrifying, however no need to worry as there is no audience to this performance.
Act one:
The Play, The guests enter filled with anticipation and excitement for the show to come, gazing at the theater and all of its grandeur.
The Wedding, The guests arrive quietly, sit in anticipation and excitement for the witnessing of the union while gazing at the lovely ceremony environment. Both might have a little soft music playing in the background.
Act two:
For the Play the lights dim, the crowd becomes quiet and the curtain opens! For the wedding the officiant comes in place, guests become quiet and all eyes are at the rear of the aisle as the procession begins!
The conclusion of act two:
The Play, We are now really drawn in to the story line, we have become an active participant and are no longer just viewing we are living an experience.
The Wedding, The guests are overcome with joy from witnessing the union of the newlywed couple, that special ” I do” moment is filled with so much significance it catalyzes everyone present.
Act three:
The Play, As the plot begins to thicken, and a kinship with particular characters begin to form, as the dilemma begins to escalate to a unforeseeable future.
The Wedding, The guests are invited into a lovely environment with drinks and hors d’oeuvres offered upon arrival, as socializing engages the room is filled with the lovely sound of excitement and chatter. Just as the conversation starts to run dry in come the newlyweds beaming with joy then embrace their friends, family and community!
Act four:
The Play, Overcome with concerns on the potential disastrous outcome, guest twist and turn along with the plot as the darkness of act three begins to clear, where previously was despair, it is now filled with optimism. Fate opens the gate for that perfect, magical moment that sets everything right in the world. Fade to sunset, smiles and curtain.
The Wedding, After an hour or so on our feet and maybe one too many signature drinks, it is time to sit down, break bread and socialize with a more intimate group for which we are seated. The lovely couple go from table to table, thanking everyone who has attended.
The lights dim, the spotlight appears on the newlyweds as they dominate the floor with sophisticated synchronicity, shortly there after the parents joined in, and before we know it, the floor is filled couples and singles alike. They all gather as one in celebration, the exchange between dancing and courses takes place.
The spot light illuminates the lovely cake, as the couple cut and share a bite! We all realize that we not only witnessed, but participated in the very first breath of the unions of existence!
Final act:
The Play, Overcome with emotion on the joyful outcome, the curtain rises on the lead cast, then the full cast appears and we burst into applause for the mesmerizing journey we have just experienced.
The Wedding, As the celebration comes to a conclusion, the newlywed couple are now gone and the tables empty, we walk away uplifted by the experience and grateful for our opportunity to participate in it. We carry-on with hope and optimism of a new union being realized and our opportunity to participate in it!
I get a visceral reaction from a live performance for some reason, it has the ability to resonate on so many different levels, for considerable amount of time, afterwards I can still recall particular moments and that feeling is once again reborn.
For weddings, I believe it is the real connection with the couple, paired with the knowledge that what I am participating. This can only be fully appreciated in the present, and will never be replicated again, for these reasons the memory stays with me forever and especially when I reconnect down the road with another guest that was there for that special time. Not many people can say that they have performed on Broadway, which is an amazing feat. But when I think of what really matters in this life, it is my family and friends and their significant contribution to my life! And hopefully my contribution to theirs, without a doubt one of the biggest moments on the stage of life!
So treat your special day like your special play! Let the magic and wonderment of truly one of life’s most significant occasions, bring your family and friends together to witness and celebrate your new union.
Bravo to Life! Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness Together!!