I envision in the near future, the ability for an individual to contemplate the idea of a happening by simply reaching out online. To find an informative, resourceful and reliable provider, that will allow you to create complete happenings of any type, of any size, in any location with any budget. The customers will have the choice to determine to fund their happening on their own, or with the help of a greater audience. Once reserved, customers will be given complete access to their entire happening details, allowing them change and amend their happening in real time. Assisted by a first rate happening management team, accessible to them from anywhere at anytime. Offering companies as well as individuals a complete array of services, encompassing all aspects of requirements for the creation of memorable moments. All presented and managed through a certified network. This service will allow clients to utilize one source, to manage everything, review and refine all details within their personal time frame.
Imagine creating a happening where all of your guests are invited to attend, and instead of buying a gift, having the opportunity to contribute (known or anonymously) to the happening. How many times have we all stressed out over what gift to buy? Often doing so is just out of formality.
All guests will need to do is to simply accept the invitation, and from there the journey begins. Providing enticing information delivered electronically while being monitored and managed by a professional, dedicated team, making the process interesting and effortless. Options such as attire and transportation can be offered, offering them a true Cinderella experience. Gone are the stresses of preparation, allowing for the happenings significance to really come through.
For the host, all the information is available to them at their fingertips, constantly being updated, as all of the pieces fall into place. A system designed with a built in redundancy plan assuring all services engaged will be provided.
Now people can entertain adequately informed and thoroughly prepared effectively and efficiently, allowing for the fun filled festivities to be thoroughly enjoyed by all present!
This breakthrough in production and technology is the culmination of my life’s work. Through significant changes in social and technological evolution; we now have the opportunity to turn this vision into reality. Myself, along with many other very talented individuals have spent the last eight years refining and perfecting this vision to bring forth a new era in the wedding and event arena.
Bringing this life altering service into the light is why I can’t help but say, “The future is bright!”