I love the fact that we are breaking down the barriers around the traditional wedding format. It makes sense as we as a people evolve, and grow, just in sheer numbers. We need to look at alternative ways to create and punctuate this life-altering happening. Ironically, one of the ways to break up the traditional Saturday evening ceremony and reception is to follow a format that has been around for centuries.
The Royals and aristocracy have used the morning wedding for centuries. So the format is, you have a party that is held two days prior to the wedding date. The wedding is then held the second morning, following the party with a luncheon or late brunch to follow. I know you’re probably saying wow that sounds really complicated, and looks like a whole lot of work, But stick with me as always I have a plan.
So now what I am talking about, is a party that could take place on a Friday night with a morning wedding ceremony, followed by a luncheon or late brunch reception on Sunday. Or if you rather a party to take place on Thursday night, followed by a Friday morning wedding ceremony, and luncheon or brunch on Saturday. The latter works best especially if you are doing a destination. Both scenarios can be for small groups or large.
OK so now let’s talk about the logic behind it. With a traditional wedding, there is a lot happening in a relatively short period of time. And it tends to fall within a pretty common order, ceremony, cocktail reception, and dinner and dance reception to follow. With the morning wedding, by having the big celebration one night before everybody is able to meet one another. Celebrate on a grand scale or respectively whatever is your choice, creating a fun and festive “we moment” for those with whom you have the honor to share with and be witness to, your announcement of marriage. This allows for there to be a day of recuperation after the party. This day off and can be used for casual group activities on an at will basis. Allowing for you and your guests to not be bogged down by too much structure, and being able to reflect on the fun nights past while anticipating the beautiful morning to come. The morning wedding will typically take place anytime before noon. Often 10 or 11 o’clock works well, but I suggest considering the position of the sun and environment when looking at the time. Not only for the ceremony but for the luncheon or late brunch reception to follow.
There is something magical about waking up and starting the day with such an amazing happening like a wedding ceremony. The calmness of the environment and the simplicity of the occasion will allow for you and your family and friends to really focus on the significance of what is happening. After the ceremony the luncheon or late brunch can take place from casual to formal, the choice is yours. I find it is always fun to play all of the juxtaposition so if the party was in one style the luncheon or late brunch could be in a contrasting style. The reception can still have all of the key elements such as first dance and the cutting of the cake, but instead of this taking place during the chaos of the party, you are able to do it in the daylight with clarity and conscious support for yourself and from your community.
Over the years I have done hundreds of morning weddings and I have found them to have a special resonance that breaks trend and makes a lifelong memory. Another big bonus with the morning wedding is the fact that it takes place during off-peak hours and therefore can offer some considerable benefits in location availability and cost savings by avoiding peak pricing found on a Saturday evening.
If this is something that sounds enticing to you I encourage you to explore this option. I find that sometimes the spectacular results are not only derived by coming up with new ideas but looking back at some old traditions and incorporating them into our new way of life! Best of luck!