Habit or Necessity – Part 1

Do you ever feel like you are doing something just for the sake of comfort and not need? This wonderful world we live in is progressing at such a rapid rate that it is not so much what we as a people can evolve into, but rather how much of this evolution I can absorb and apply into my daily life.

I was raised in a time where the nuclear family was the common denominator. Within that dynamic, it was understood that most of the time one and sometimes both of the parents would be working typically Monday through Friday. Meanwhile, children would be going to school, involved in sports or other pursuits like drama after school. The family would typically eat dinner together on a set schedule Monday through Friday. After dinner was a time for studying, reading a book, or watching TV, and then bed. Weekends would have one day of rest and another day of chores and activities. Most houses had two vehicles, one for work and the other a family vehicle. Outside of all this was a complex schedule to prepare for maintaining and supporting all of the families duties and obligations. Things like cleaning, carpooling, or grocery shopping were done routinely and all of that was supported by the work typically done away from home. For the most part, I thought it was just the way things were and became comfortable with it…and even aspired towards it.

Now I look at things today in a different light. Let’s begin with the nuclear family. In one hand I can count the number of people I know who actually fit that model. My community and I have dealt with divorce, remarriage, stepchildren, same-sex marriage, adopted children, and multicultural & multi-denominational beliefs. This has become the new norm. I must admit I feel much more comfortable in this evolution. With this change has come much broader exceptions; we have also broken down additional family dynamics and their stereotypical roles. During all of this progress, we have made a complete technical revolution allowing us access to information, and in some cases, the ability to perform our jobs from anywhere – anytime. This new found technology has allowed us to socialize within our communities instantaneously and build relationships globally through electronic networks. These same networks also offer door to door delivery of almost anything: furniture, clothing and groceries are just a few. Travel and holiday preparations are now just a click away. Our children’s school environment has been digitized, providing instant access to assignments progress and reports. We live in a world that is embracing a sharing community, with transportation available to anyone at the press of a button and accommodations now range from hotels to homes all accessible through a few simple steps.

Often I wake up in the morning and begin my routine: walk the dog, take a shower, open my closet and gaze at the wide array of clothing from suits to casual and the choice is up to me, because the dress code is self-appointed. Typically during this time, I answer emails and talk with family and coworkers, preparing for the day ahead, fully aware of the fact that the device in my hand that I still call “my phone” is fully capable to handle most required tasks to successfully perform my work obligations. I grab my key, and typically lunch, and head down to my vehicle, a 4000 pound machine with all the creature comfort’s of a home and office combined, to carry my 175 pound self 30 minutes down the road to my office. On a normal weekday, the commute involves traffic, undoubtedly careless driving (of others of course) but admittedly a little road rage from me. As I pull into my office garage and park in my assigned spot, I can’t help but think am I following in the footsteps set down before today? Do I really need to be here right now? Would I rather have been sitting in the back of a car and being driven, allowing me time to look out the window or catch up on emails? The convenience and economics are so heavily weighted on one side. Between insurance and parking, I pay more than it would cost to have a car come, pick me up, and drop me off every day with the luxury of no road rage and no gas stations… really?

End of part 1. Please check in next time for part 2!

