One of the things I enjoy most in the turning dreams into reality business of event design is the collaboration process. Entertaining is a very intimate process if handled properly. As mentioned in my previous blog , coming up with a singular theme and carrying it across all aspects of an event , is such an important element. One of the best ways I have found to accomplish this that once you have identified the Keystone element all the other Stones need to support it. Therein lies the opportunity of collaboration. Happenings are all about the power of we, not only in the guests that are attending it , but also all of the people involved in producing it. From the invitations to the venue , to the catering and entertainment, the list goes on and on.
I have found one of the most exciting parts of the creation is sharing that Keystone idea with all the talented people involved and giving them freedom to take that idea and infuse it into their specialty. The greatest ideas I’ve ever been a part of came from other people. It is in creating that environment that allows for you’re team to take a concept and run with it! For example the image above was done for an event where we created beautiful tables for all the guests that were composed of an entire bed of fresh red roses and suspended above it a thick beveled glass top to dine on. The brilliant Chef Daniel Boulud was providing the cuisine and took the table design all the way , not only color matching , but texture and concept as well. Daniel suspended the food over a bed of red peppercorns. The result was so impactful!
The collaboration element is what allows for these concepts to become so incredibly memorable. I find this process extremely enjoyable, as it allows for creativity to run freely, open for the interpretation of all the specialists involved. As the Designer , by not restricting this process, I’m actually able to learn and understand new and exciting ways to propel the present into an indelible imprint!
In conclusion you never know where the next great idea will come from, Whether it is big or small , embracing the collaborative process will always lead to new and exciting results while simultaneously catalyzing your participants.