Share in this Holidays Presents

The holiday season is here! With a last name like Noel, it is hard not to embrace it. Good news even with all of its preconceived expectations, the abundance of materialism and commercialism, I cannot help but to succumb to what I believe is the true gift of the holidays, togetherness.

The inherent value of getting together on a common cause has been the focus of my life’s work. Happenings – whether a wedding, corporate merger,  anniversary or a holiday are all shrouded in the essence of togetherness. I too can lose sight of the true importance amidst all the congestion of time and the expectations of others. I still am getting used to the idea of holiday decorating and the sales frenzy taking place before Thanksgiving. Sometimes the commercial affects can weigh heavily and result in too much pre-holiday hype building expectations on results that are lackluster. However, I have found great peace even in the commercial side of it , when it comes to gift giving. The ability for me to focus on those for whom I love and contemplate what would be a welcomed gesture has become a great way for me to get out of my own head and into the gratitude of the good fortune that has been bestowed on me by the amazing people I share this journey with. The giving of the gift has become less important to me than the thought that went into it.

When it comes to the actual holiday celebrations themselves, although the production of the gathering can sometimes seem overwhelming, I do believe that it is this effort that somehow catalyzes the group into a present state of mind. It is in this present moment that we are able to have face-to-face and eye to eye connection with those around us that means so much to us. Thus, whatever issues that had arisen between our last visit starts to diminish in importance and the true value of togetherness prevails. 

I wish to all this holiday season the gifts of togetherness and the enormous healing power of being present!

Experience life’s present,
