Valentine’s Day

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There are a variety of ideas on what the origin of Valentine’s Day is. Ultimately, to me, the day has evolved to the celebration of love. There are many definitions for love. The one that resonates with me the most is “an unselfish, loyal, and benevolent concern for the good of another.”  

Love is an unconditional act of putting other’s needs in front of our own. Why is this truly important? Love is a key characteristic of human nature; we seek companionship and relationships and when we are lucky enough to find that special someone, love is introduced. The creation of love has formed so much value in our lives. Therefore, Valentine’s Day to me, has a very important meaning because it represents the people in my life that make my life what it is.

Valentine’s day commercialism dejoure aside, the core message gives an opportunity to share my gratitude to those I love. Along my journey, I have been enlightened by the concept of heaven on earth. There may be something beyond the world we live in, however, this world is abundant with an endless supply of beauty – the awe of a sunset, the rejuvenation of life in a budding leaf. A twinkle in your partner’s eye, a smile on your mother’s face when she sees you, and the laugh you share with a good friend, is unconditional. I am grateful for those in my life. This  Valentine’s Day I celebrate the love that I have and receive.

Happy Valentines Day to all- how truly blessed we are!

